School meals are provided by Chartwells who cook on site. A lifetime of health and well-being starts with our food experiences at school.
Chartwell's strong belief is that the more children are involved with food – whether that’s eating it, learning about where food comes from, or separating the healthy eating fact from fiction with our nutritionists – the more likely they are going to enjoy food. With such a positive experience of food at school, children and young adults are far more likely to grow up with a healthy attitude not just towards mealtimes but also their overall wellbeing.
The menu is run on a three week cycle and a link to the menu can be found below.
MENU Autumn/Winter 2024 (continuing into Spring/Summer menu until half-term)
If your child suffers from one of the '14 Allergens' as defined by the Foods Standard Agency, please find below the Meat and Vegetarian menus with the allergens identified. Please use these menus to assist your child in their menu choices each day. Please be assured that if you have notified the school of your child's allergy, the class teacher and school kitchen will also be aware, and they will ensure that your child makes an appropriate choice.
Children are able to swap daily between packed lunch and school dinners.
Children who are not having a school meal can bring their own packed lunch. We encourage children to make healthy choices in their packed lunch as well and therefore ask children to not bring chocolate bars for their lunch. Water is always provided or children can bring their water bottle with them from the classroom, but no other drinks should be brought to school. We are a nut free school and therefore ask that no nut products are included in children’s packed lunches.
The Mayor recognises that families are in urgent need of support. This means that all primary school children will be entitled to a free school meal for the 2023/24 academic year. The meals will help families with the spiralling cost of living by ensuring that children in state-funded London schools will receive free school meals from September 2023. Please click here to read the letter from the Mayor of London.
In addition to this scheme, families who receive certain benefits may be eligible for the Free Schools Meal scheme. This enables children to receive free school meals and raises an extra £1,455 per year of funding for the school. Being eligible for free school meals may also entitle families to subsidised visits so it is worthwhile to apply if you think you meet the criteria.
If you wish to check if your family is entitled to the Free School Meals Scheme, please click here.
If you meet the criteria, please complete and return this form to the school.
If you do not meet the criteria there is no need to complete the form.
If you have any concerns or queries, please feel free to contact Mrs Mackenzie in the school.
If parents wish, they are able to pay for their child to have milk at morning break time. This is supplied through Cool Milk and children can be registered by following the link. Please note children who are eligible for Free School Meals are also eligible for free milk.
At break time fresh fruit is available for Infant children. Junior children are allowed to bring a snack of fresh fruit or vegetables to eat at morning break if they wish.Please note children are only allowed fresh or dried fruit or vegetables at break, no cereal bars please.