Collective Worship in school
As a church school, Collective Worship is a special time of the day when the whole school comes together for praise and celebration and the opportunity for quiet reflection.
Every half term, we have a different theme to think about in Collective Worship which is either linked to our values or a local/global issue. We are very lucky to have a number of different visitors from local churches who come to lead Collective Worship and everyone bases their talk around the theme for that half term.
Once a week we have ‘Celebration Worship’ when we mark achievements people have made during the week. Children are nominated to receive a ‘Red Badge’ which they then wear for the rest of the week as a sign that they have received a commendation. During Celebration Worship we also announce which two people have been chosen to wear the ‘Red Scarves’ for the week. This is a very special award which is given for exemplary behaviour and shows the whole school community who has been recognised to be a good role model for behaviour.
Often on a Friday Collective worship is led by a class. This is much anticipated by many children and their families as the parents/carers and friends of the class who are leading the worship are invited to join the school for Collective Worship on that day. All of the children in the class are proud to take part and join together in leading worship for the whole school.
On special occasions we go to church to mark festivals and times of celebration. The children are often involved in helping to lead the services by reading bible stories or prayers, singing or playing their musical instruments. The whole school community is always very welcome to join us in church to mark these special times and it is lovely to see as many parents/carers and friends as possible.
Collective Worship online
During the pandemic we had to adapt in order to ensure we continued to provide Collective Worships for our school community. You can view our previous Collective Worships by clicking the YouTube icon.
Collective Worship contributors
We often invite leaders from other local churches to come and lead our Collective Worships. This is a positive way to show the children diversity within church leadership and also helps to strengthen our relationships with our local community.