The SJSA is a voluntary organisation made up of parents, carers, teachers and school staff. As a parent/carer of a child at St. John’s, you are automatically a member of the SJSA and we welcome anyone who would like to get involved. The skills, experience and enthusiasm provided by parents and teachers play a vital role in the SJSA’s success and all contributions, big or small, are greatly appreciated.

Schools now, more than ever, are faced with shrinking budgets and growing class sizes, not to mention high standards for teacher and student performance and so schools need the support of families and the community. Through fundraising events, the SJSA has been able to:

  • raise funds to enrich the education of all children at St. John’s School and support school activities;
  • help build a sense of community between parents, staff and others associated with the school;
  • ensure that children enjoy their time here by providing fun social events and other SJSA sponsored activities.

Fundraising Events:

The SJSA has run a number of successful events in the past thanks to the generous support and contributions made by parents, carers, staff and the St. John’s community. During the 2023-4 school year we were able to raise over £13,000 in additional school funds – a great achievement and joint effort by everyone! Highlights included our ever-popular Christmas and Summer Fairs, fun-filled School Discos, choc-filled Easter Egg Hunt and Golden Ticket Chocolate Raffle, and our end of year Summer Picnic! As a result, the SJSA has been able to help contribute to the purchase of the following items throughout the last few years:

  • Outdoor benches and tables
  • Playground markings
  • Subscriptions
  • Small building renovation works
  • Wellbeing/sensory resources
  • Reading books
  • Dining Tables
  • Brand new staging

How to get involved:

Being involved in the SJSA can be a great way to gain confidence, meet parents from different year groups, and to find out what’s going on at the school.

You could:

  • Become a committee member
  • Volunteer to help at an event – we always need people to help organise events, whether it’s being part of a sub-committee, helping on a stall, making cakes, or being part of the clean-up crew!
  • Put your special talents to good use – face painting, entertaining, baking, designing, etc – whatever you’re good at - we can find a job to utilise your skill.
  • Come along to a meeting or contact the chair or secretary. All parents/carers are welcome.
  • Share ideas – this is your school and we value your input so if you have an idea about fundraising or an event, please get in touch!

You can also visit the dedicated website by clicking here;

You can also email the Chair directly at sjsashirley@gmail.com and the Treasurer at sjsatreasurer@aol.com.

We are always looking for new committee members who can bring new, fresh ideas to the SJSA and would love to hear from you! Our current committee members are listed below and are always happy to answer any questions.

So if you would like to get involved as a committee member, a volunteer at an event, or just want to come along to a meeting to find out more – we would love to hear from you!

Thank you for your support!

Angela Meakin

SJSA Chairperson

  • Angela – SJSA CHAIR

    Parent from Dragonfly and Toucan classes

  • Becky O’N – SJSA Treasurer

    Parent from Hare class

  • Miranda – Fair coordinator

    Parent from Caterpillar & Turtle classes


    Parent from Frog class


    Parent from Toucan Class

  • Andy

    Parent from Toucan class


    Parent from Dolphin and Turtle classes

    Parent from Flamingo class

  • LUCY

    Parent from Flamingo, Chameleon & Turtle classes

  • Karolina

    Parent from Chameleon & Turtle classes


    Parent from Dolphin and Hedgehog classes


    Parent from Hare class

  • Becky L

    Parent from Caterpillar & Badger classes


    Parent from Flamingo class

  • Nadia

    Parent from Hare class

  • Melissa

    Parent from Hare & Toucan classes

  • Katie

    Parent from Badger & Dragonfly classes

  • Tom

    Parent from Caterpillar & Badger classes