Letter from the Chair of Governors
A warm welcome from the Governors of St. John’s C of E Primary School.
As a governing body we are very proud of our children and the school community to which they are central. As a Christian school we are keen to support the head teacher and her staff not only in creating a centre of excellence in Christian learning but also in developing our children into young adults who enrich our society.
We are very grateful for the support of our current parents and are blessed by an active and energetic school association who work really hard to raise funds for the school and promote the sense of belonging that we hope all families feel.
As Governors we are aware of the pressure for primary school places in Croydon and also the importance of the role of our governing body as its own admissions authority.
We are very diligent in our annual review of our admissions policy, constantly looking to ensure it is as fair as possible to as many as possible. We are equally diligent and careful when applying the policy to applicants. If you are on this web site as a prospective parent then I am grateful that you have taken the time to look at our school and hope you will feel it worthwhile to list St. John’s amongst your preferences.
The school has a close and valued link to St. John the Evangelist Church, Shirley and also works with other local clergy and churches which greatly enriches school life.
As a parent of three children who once attended the school, I have felt hugely blessed by the start that St. John’s gave them and know it was the basis for the successful future each of them now enjoys.
I feel privileged to be Chair of Governors at St. John’s C of E Primary School and to lead such an experienced team of governors who work hard to share their various fields of expertise to guide the schools strategic direction.
J R Phillipson
Chair of Governors
Please note that any written correspondence for the Chair of Governors can be sent to the school address.
Roles & Responsibilities
The Governing Body works in close co-operation the Head Teacher in taking general responsibility for the conduct of the school with a view to promoting high standards.
The statutory role of the Governing Body includes:
- Ensuring clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
- Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils, and the performance management of staff
- Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making
sure its money is well spent. - Making sure the curriculum is balanced and broad based (as a Voluntary Aided school we take particular responsibility for the Religious Education)
- Appointing the Head Teacher and Deputy Head Teacher and determining how other appointments will be made and staff are managed.
Governors have an important role in maintaining the distinctive Christian ethos of the school through developing and maintaining links with St. John’s Church and other local churches.
As a Voluntary Aided school the Governing Body is also the Admissions Authority with responsibility for setting and implementing the admissions criteria.
The Governing Body normally meets four times a year as a whole group and in committees during the intervening times. The committees are responsible for the school premises, finance, admissions, personnel, curriculum and standards.
Governor Information
The Governing Body of St. John's C of E Primary School consists of 16 Governors including the following:
- Two parent governors
- Two Co-opted governors
- One LA governor
- One head teacher
- One staff governor
- Nine foundation governors (including two appointed by Southwark Diocesan Board of Education)
The Governing Body operates by holding a minimum of 4 full Governing Body meetings per year, and holding sub committee meetings once per term to cover the detailed business, under the key headings of Personnel, Curriculum & Standards, Premises, Policy & Finance, reporting back to the Full Governing Body.
There are currently no associate members serving on the Governing Body.
Please click here to view the Governors' School Development Fund Letter