
Medicine in School

Where possible we ask that medication/ antibiotics is administered at home and if the prescribed dosage is 3 times a day that this is taken in the morning before school, when a child returns home and before bed. We are only able to administer medication/ antibiotics at school if a child is required to take it 4 times a day.

If a child is in need of medication during the school day we are able to administer this as long as parents/carers have completed a ‘Medicine in School’ form stating the medication, dose and when it should be given. All medication should be dispensed from a chemist with the child’s name, clearly labelled, brought to school by an adult and given to the school office along with the competed form. Children should come to the office at the correct time to receive their medication. Please note children should not have any form of medication in their own possession and we are only able to administer medication for which we have written permission.

A Medicine in School form needs to be completed for any medication that needs to be given to your child during school and must be prescribed.

Medicine in School Form

Asthma and Epipens

It is important that we are aware of any children who require an asthma inhaler or epi pen and that parents/carers take the responsibility of making sure the medications we have in school are currently in date.  Epipens must be handed in to the school office in a clearly labelled small container with a photograph of your child. Inhalers must be handed into the school office and will then be stored in the classrooms for easy access.  If an epi -pen is administered or the child has an asthma which cannot be controlled with the inhaler then an ambulance is always called and parents are contacted immediately.

As we have children who are severely allergic to nuts; nuts, seeds and any nut products (including hazelnut spreads) are not allowed in packed lunches.


Please click here to find out more information from the NHS on measles and getting the MMR vaccine for your child

Week 38 poster 2024

Please click here for more information.

Please click here to find out more information from the NHS on Strep A and Scarlet Fever