Our value for this half term is Generosity: PROVERBS 11:25 - "A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed"
St. John's Primary School is a happy, caring school. We have much to be proud of and celebrate.
Our Vision: That all may Love, Learn, Flourish
"Life in all its fullness" John 10:10
We are a school that love runs through. We are held together by love, but not just love, God’s love. We want our children to develop a true love and inspiration for learning whilst also learning to love and accept others; to value the uniqueness that makes us all special. St. John’s supports and nurtures every pupil by ensuring they are planted in a loving environment, have outstanding teaching showered upon them and have the opportunity to turn their faces to the sunshine of their achievements.
Our Values

A message from our Head Teacher
Within the context of Christian belief and practice, we aim to serve the community by providing an education of the highest quality. Faith is very important to us and we endeavour to live out our Christian values of Peace, Generosity, Trust, Compassion, Joy and Wonder in our everyday lives.
Most of all, it is our children who make St. John’s a special place, and we are proud of all their achievements. We work hard to foster a secure and enjoyable environment which excites, challenges and motivates each child, enabling them to reach their full potential.
St. John’s School is an inclusive community of children, staff, parents, governors, friends and colleagues. Everyone works together to provide the best quality education for all children and to equip them with the confidence to embrace our ever-changing world.
Thank you for taking the time to find out more about our school. Our website is designed to provide some basic information about St. John’s. Should you require further information or would like to arrange a visit, do not hesitate to contact us.
Martina Martin
Head Teacher