

Even in extreme weather conditions we will always endeavour to keep school open so that as little learning as possible is disrupted.

In the event of extreme weather, a decision whether to open or close the school will be made as soon as possible based on a number of factors including the current conditions, future weather forecasts, the condition of the school site and how safe it would be for staff and pupils to travel. It may be that we operate a reduced timetable with school opening late or closing early to ensure that all staff and pupils can travel safely. We will inform parents/carers of any decision as soon as possible using the school website, the texting and email services.

We ask that parents/carers ensure children come to school properly equipped with a change of shoes and appropriate warm clothes.


Please click on the image above to download the PDF from the London Fire Brigade on how to stay safe in Extreme Weather conditions.



When it is hot it is just as important that children come to school fully prepared.

We ask parents/carers to ensure children have a water bottle with them so they can have easy access to water throughout the day.

Children should also apply sun cream before they come to school in the morning and then bring their own sun cream and sun hats with them for lunchtime if necessary.