Entrance onto the school site is either through the main entrance on Spring Park Road, or the Top Gate on Shirley Church Road. The school gates open at 8:25am for the children to arrive on site and the school doors open at 8:30am when all the children calmly filter into the school building ready to learn. It is very important that the children arrive at school on time to begin their lessons promptly. The school day finishing times differ but ensure that all pupils attend school for a minimum of 32.5 hours per week.

From September 2024, the new school hours are:


Punctuality is very important and so we urge you to make sure your child arrives promptly each day. Children who are not present for registration will be marked as late. The registration window is 5 minutes and children arriving after their registration period should go to the school office and be signed in the ‘Late Registration Book’. Children who arrive after registration has closed will receive a late mark and those children who arrive 30 minutes after registration will be given an ‘unauthorised absence’ mark.

Teachers will be in the playgrounds nearest their classrooms daily 10 minutes before the class registration time if you need a brief word.

To avoid any undue anxiety, children need to be collected promptly at the end of the school day.  Please make sure that your child walks out with you as you leave the site. If you are running late, you should phone the office to let them know, but this should only be in exceptional circumstances. It is important that parents/carers arrange for their children to be collected on time at the end of the school day or following after school activities as school staff are not available to supervise children. Children who are not collected on time will be taken to the Poppy Garden.  You will need to collect your child from the school office where you will have to sign the ‘Late Collection Book’.

Breakfast Club runs each morning from 7:45am. Please click here for more details.

MLH After School Club runs from the end of the school day to 5.30pm (to 6pm at the St. Mildred’s centre) for any parents who wish their children to be looked after beyond the school day.  You can contact MLH on 07768 684 863 or email




School Uniform

All children will need to return to school in Winter Uniform. Due to warmer weather, if your child would prefer to continue wearing the Summer Uniform, this will be allowed from September until the the end of the first half term. Please note that wellington boots can be worn on journey to and from school if required but children must change into appropriate footwear to wear in school (no boots or trainers).


P.E. Days

Children must have their P.E. kit and trainers in school everyday.