Working at St. John's
St. John’s is a friendly and welcoming school and is a great place to work. Visitors always comment on the ethos of the school being one of the things which most strikes you when you first walk through the door, and this is one of the things that makes it such a friendly place to work. We have a strong staff team and together teachers, TAs and all support staff work to ensure the very best for all our children.
St. John’s is a church school and we ask all staff members to be in sympathy with our Christian faith (but this does not mean that you have to be a practising Christian). We hold Collective Worship every morning and all members of classroom staff attend this with their classes. It makes a fantastic start to the day and means that the whole school community is able to come together before they begin their daily learning.
Everyone works hard to make our school environment an enjoyable place to work and learn for all children and adults. All of the classrooms are bright and spacious and we are lucky enough to have a large amount of outside space including a school field as well as two playgrounds and a Spiritual garden. We all take great pride in our school and take the time to make our displays and learning environments colourful and engaging.
Local area
The school is situated in the quiet residential area of Shirley and is easily accessible from both Croydon and Bromley. It is very close to the main road between Croydon and Bromley and there are frequent buses into the centre of Croydon and to East Croydon train station (where there are many trains towards central London and the south coast).
The school has a large staff car park or there is free parking on the road outside school.